September 13, 2009

Quick Grooming Tip #2

Baking Soda Does Everything: We know that baking soda is used in the kitchen for everything from baking to cleaning your tiles, but we heard that you could also use it on you. #1 If you sprinkle a little baking soda on top of your toothpaste before brush your tooth the product will exfoliate your teeth and it acts as an instant whitening agent. #2 Before you wash your face sprinkle a little baking soda into your facial wash and then use it to gently exfoliate your face. When used every 2 – 3 days you will have clean & smooth skin. We would also recommend moisturizer after to prevent any dry skin.


Genesis said...

Great advice but has it worked on you yet?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I haven't done the skin one but I have done the teeth which is amazing. The skin one was approved by a dermatologist though, so it is probably cool.