This past weekend was an awful one in cinema. I walked out of two films, Bright Star and The Informant. I have never walked out of a cinema in my life. Well there was one time when I tried to see The Unborn in Union City with my cousin. It was way too ghetto for my taste, so we upped and left. But that was before the film started. This is different.
Bright Star: This is a period film, so put your walking shoes on. This film was very confusing. I had no clue why the characters behaved the way they did. For those of you who have never heard of this (I'm assuming there are a good number of you) Bright Star is a very indie film based on the relationship between regency era pet John Keats and his lover, this girl named Fanny. Throughout the film, romantic gestures where made, I think. I think they sort of liked each other, and sort of hated each other at the same time. I think. I did grow bored of the plot, the on-and-off-letter-exchanging-emotional roller coaster of the film made me sleepy. I was thinking, 'Gosh, I wish i was doing something right now'. Apparently, my friends all thought the same thing, too, so we stood up and left the Metreon. You know when to leave a film when it's about to reach the climax and you still don't care.
The Informant: We saw this film because there was nothing else to see. I wanted to see 9, but someone in our party had seen it already. So we saw the informant. There was no fantasy aspect in this film, so I was already half way out the door. Not that I can't enjoy a reasonably realistic film, but there was no part about this film that I was particularly interested in, so, for personal reasons, I did not enjoy this film. Part of the time, I did not understand it. Perhaps this is a film meant for adults. It is rated R, but I did not see anything suggestive, which leads me to believe that only adults can enjoy this film. You know when to leave a film when you are looking at the empty seats around you more than the screen.
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