Since there was not much to do this summer, I found myself at the cinema quite often, however that is hardly a departure from the rest of the year, this summer's movie season still stood out. Here are my personal top five films of the summer.
1. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince: Because I am a huge Harry Potter fan (having read them since elementary school) I am automatically inclined to put this film at the top of the list. Everything was executed wonderfully, and everything was how I saw it as i was reading it. Although the film did focus on a couple characters too much; you could say that this film can also be called "Dumbledore the movie". There was the main plot, that of Harry discovering the horcruxes, and the sideplot, which to say, was kind of lacking; the Ron and Hermione side plot. Whatever the case, I loved it because it brought the wizarding world closer to our land of the muggles.
2. Julie and Julia: This film was adorable. I loved how the two different time periods were played on and off of each other, and how the situations each character found themselves in were relatable even with the decades long time difference. The depiction of France-that-was is also quite adorable. the film was adorable, hands down.
3. District 9: I'm a sucker for these sort of films. I loved the viral marketing campaign to promote this film, like the Humans Only signs you may have seen everywhere. I also have a mild obsession with aliens, and have always asked the question "what if contact took place? An encounter of the third kind, but on a much more massive scale?" This film answers the question. The main character, a very sweet, cute, yet asshole-ish character, has to deal with one of the most awful situations imaginable, and with the outcome of the film, there is a hint at a sequel. This film is done in the mockumentary style, and it bares a resemblance to J.J. Abrams' Cloverfield.
4. Public Enemies: This is the kind of film that romanticizes the life of crime, and it makes me want to become a criminal, solely for the adventure. One of my main reasons for going to the cinema so often is to see life blown up to epic proportions, and if clothing is life, than by extension, clothing blown up to epic proportions. The costumes in this film were breathtaking, and being able to see every garment in detail, down to the last stitch in big screen is such a pleasure. To end this, Marion Cotillard was wonderful in terms of costume and acting, I know that Johnny Depp was in this too, but he was kind of nasty in comparison to Marion Cotillard.
5.The Time Traveler's Wife: This was a definite chick flick. However it was still an OK movie. OK enough to make it on my list. Based on a book, The Time Traveler's Wife was greenlit my New Line in '07. I will always review movies from the perspective of a fashion designer. With that said, this film is full of lovely knits. I guess knits make themselves more evident in places where it snows, as in the case of this film. Regina George's character was far from Regina George, which (her name escapes me) means that Regina George is an excellent actress. The film gets a bit weird and uncomfortable at times (flashback to benjamin button under the table with that girl when he was ten) but the overall theme of the film made those cringeworthy moments forgivable. Don't see this film with your gal pals, boys.
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